Sunday, 3 March 2013

My Liebster Blog Award Blog!!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! Thanks to fellow author Mike Lambson for the nomination


As required by the Liebster nominee , I've posted the Liebster Award on my blog post and will provide a link back to the nominator's Blog (done!!) Next, I need to list 11 random facts about me, then answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated me.

Once that is done, I proceed to nominate 11 bloggers to follow after me, and come up with 11 new questions for them. I post everything on my blog with the hope of bringing new readers to it. (Gawd I hope so!)

Enough of that and now to 11 random facts about me. <<<roll of drums>>>
Well here we go..........

1) I love to write by hand, and always do this first, because my writing seems to flow better that way.

2) I have a Degree (Honours) and a Pg Dip too (Post Graduate Diploma at Masters Level)

3)I have two cats. Their names are Patches and Lucky.

4) I love horses, and used to own one, and have ridden since before I was five years old.
5) I go to the gym at least three times a week.

6)I can sing!! - and frequently get asked to do so!

7) I love the Greek Islands especially Corfu and Rhodes.

8) I understand more French than I speak.

9) I used to be en pointe in Ballet.

10) I can Tap Dance too (talented individual that I am)

and finally ta da..............

11) I LOVE to dance and as an added extra, I LOVE music too.

NOW to answer Mike's questions......

1) Who is the most important person in your life?

At the moment my mum, because she has ALWAYS been there for me. Also because she has recently been diagnosed with skin cancer, and is therefore constantly in my thoughts.

2) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Well, until recently Canada would have been my response (because I have family there) but, now my answer would be Mexico (for personal reasons)

3) Are you a little crazy?

Oh, a LOT not a little I never do anything by half measures.

4) What is the worst thing you have ever done?

Well, this one is a little embarrassing to admit to really. When I was younger (teenager!) I forgot to wear knickers on a first date with a boy!!! OMG and had to go upstairs on a double decker bus. Thank goodness he didn't look up my dress or I may have got more than a peck on the cheek at the end of the date lol.

5) What is the best?

I am extremely proud of my Degree and Pg Dip.

6) Classical, rock, pop, country or Rap?

All of them really, as I have (as anyone who listens when I play at being DJ on Twitter) an eclectic taste, although Rap is at the bottom of the list.

7) What are your thoughts on Ghost Writing?

Actually, until you asked I hadn't thought about this subject. Now you have brought it up, I don't particularly agree with them in principle. Although I haven't lost any sleep about the subject either.

8) How do you eat a lollipop?

Slowly and sensually- I'd love to say but I don't like lollipops. BUT I love sucking other things :-)

9) Do you like little children?

Yes I do, but I couldn't manage a whole one thank you.

10) Where would you hide treasure?

I think that love is the greatest treasure, so I would hide it in my heart.
11) What is the most important object in your life?

That would be a pendant from my late father, and my mother. It is made of jade and gold and I think it is very beautiful. Possibly because it was a gift from my parents and due to sentiment instead of the actual object. My father had it made especially for my mother, yet they gave it to me.

Now my list of nominees (I will be adding to this list as time goes on btw)........

One last nominee is a writer but does not have his own Blog so his replies will be posted to mine
He is Nate Smith Director, Producer and Editor of the Boutique Production Company Robotic Rabbits in Australia.

Now then MY questions for MY victims that I have tagged for The Liebster Award........

1) Have you an ambition you haven't achieved yet?

2) Have you a thinking spot?

3) If so, where is it?

4) Town or Country, which do you prefer?

5) What is your favourite drink?

6) Have you a special person in your life?

7)How do you write? By hand, or straight to the computer?

8) What makes you happiest? i.e Hobby or activity?

9) Is there something about yourself that you can share, that nobody else knows?

10) What would be a special night out for you?

11) Who would be your ideal guest to share that night with?

Please check out my victims Blogs in due course


  1. Haha! Fun. Thanks, Scarlett.

  2. Hah! Franci was right. You do have a blog I might like.

    1. Thanks Kitty I am honoured, Franci said you have one too Tweet me details or post on here

  3. Admirable! ------> 1) I love to write by hand, and always do this first, because my writing seems to flow better that way.

    I have just subscribed to your blog. :)

    This is one blog I definitely look forward to reading.

  4. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I have now followed your Blog too and look forward to reading it :)


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