Tuesday, 21 April 2020

🌈🌈 Love and Loki by Sarah Beth James - New Release #LGBTQ #kindleunlimited 🌈🌈

Love and Loki
Sarah Beth James


I have been writing since I was a teenager, fan fictions, short stories, original work. 2015/2018 I worked for several different blogs reviewing movies and books.

Save Me is my first published novel. Based loosely on my own personal life growing up, and that of gay/bisexual friends I have known. There will be a sequel called Too Many Tears, where we will see the continuation of Jack and Nic's story. Can't Let You Go characters will also be meeting the team and blending together for the final two books in the series.

I write a mix of fantasy and LGBTQ fictions, often in the same volumes.

you can follow me on twitter at @wickedwitchgal

“A master of words, yet I could take you apart with my silver tongue if I truly tried,” Loki commented.

“I bet you say that to all the boys.” The prince retorted rolling his eyes.

Loki is tired of his existence, looking for a way to hold on after Odin took everything from him or at the very least, a permanent escape from his pain.

Stuart is a Prince, looking for a marriage to unite his kingdom and crown him King. Sent on a mission to destroy the evil mage in the mountains to earn the hand of the fair princess.

Nothing is as it seems when Stuart discovers that Loki is neither evil nor does the kingdom want him to successfully marry the princess. As they are thrown together trying to break a curse, can they find love in each other's arms?

Extended Adult reissue. #gay #mm #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtqquarantine #loki #norsemythology #gods #lokilaufeyson #godofliesandmischief #godoflies #adultsonlyplease #erotica #gayeroticstories #KU #kindleunlimited

What are you waiting for?

Download now and please leave a review 

Love n stuff



Thursday, 16 April 2020

★•**•.★ COVER REVEAL ★•**•.★ BE MY QUEEN The Crown Duet, Book Two Happy cover reveal day Chelsea McDonald

★•**•.★  COVER REVEAL ★•**•.★ 
The Crown Duet, Book Two
Happy cover reveal day Chelsea McDonald
Release June 1st



For years, I had a plan. I’d dissected every little detail, gone over everything that could’ve possibly gone wrong. One thing I didn’t anticipate was her and the permanently wicked gleam in her eye.

Anastasia Exley was so much more than I expected. One thing I knew for certain was that she was all that I wanted. I didn’t care if she felt the same way. I knew I had to have her from the moment I laid eyes on her and I would’ve done whatever it took to have her.

And, it worked. She was mine. Or maybe, it was the other way around and I was hers. She had a hold over me, one that I hadn’t expected. Our bond was something that I never imagined could be real. The more time we spent together the closer we grew, the more unattainable my desire for her became.

I thought the hard part was over, I thought we were ready for our happily ever after. Obviously, I was wrong. After her disappearing act, I knew I wouldn’t stop until I found her, I would get her back - one way or another. When I did, someone would have some explaining to do.

I will not back down.
I will find her.
I will not lose my happily ever after.

#CoverReveal #BeMyQueen #TheCrownDuet #Book2 #EnemiestoLovers #DarkMafia #DarkRomance #MafiaRomance #Preorder #ComingSoon #MustRead #Kindle #ibooks #kobo #nook @authorcmcdonald

You can stalk Chelsea here:

Love n stuff



★.•**•.★ NEW RELEASE ALERT ★.•**•.★ Be My Queen by Chelsea McDonald is now LIVE!

★.•**•.★  NEW RELEASE ALERT  ★.•**•.★  Be My Queen by Chelsea McDonald is now LIVE! Series: The Crown Duet, Book 2 G...