Blog of the year 2013......
I have to admit that this year as a writer, for me, has been a phenomenal and amazing one, and far exceeded my dreams.
The very first post I placed on my Blog was back in February this year, just before Valentine's Day. Since that time my writing has gone from strength to strength. This I think, is partly due to constructive criticism from fellow writers and Bloggers, and also as we know,
practice makes perfect.
I have had to date almost 16,500 views of my Blog and very proud to say that. I was excited when I got 10 views a day at the beginning and a possible 30 views overall in a week.
This Blogging award is particularly sweet, as it comes via one of my sister writers, and a fellow nurse Taylor Fulks.
Like Taylor, at the beginning of my Blogging experience, I struggled to work out how to use the tools of my trade in order to produce a visual experience that was both pretty and presentable. Especially after looking at some of the amazing Blogs available on the Internet. Over time though I have begun to learn the basics, and finally feel that I am getting somewhere.
Taylor's Blog Taylor~Made Thoughts & Doodles, is a fantastic Blog and well worth a visit, so please do and tell Taylor I sent you.
This is my first nomination for Blog of the Year Award - 2013, and came from the lovely, talented Taylor Fulks. Taylor is an author/blogger par excellence at
I am so grateful to Taylor as we have become firm friends, despite the pond that lies between us (known as the Atlantic.) We have so much in common as Taylor is a nurse ( like myself) and a writer and blogger too. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart Taylor.
This is my first nomination for Blog of the Year Award - 2013, and came from the lovely, talented Taylor Fulks. Taylor is an author/blogger par excellence at
I am so grateful to Taylor as we have become firm friends, despite the pond that lies between us (known as the Atlantic.) We have so much in common as Taylor is a nurse ( like myself) and a writer and blogger too. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart Taylor.
This part of the Blog is where I pay forward this prestigious award (as this award is freely given from one author to another)
The Rules
1) Select the Blog or blogs you think deserve the "Blog of the Year 2013" award.
2) Write a Blog post and tell us about the Blog or Blogs you have decided to choose. There is no minimum or maximum number of Blogs required - and then you may "present" the Blog or Blogs with their award.
3) Let the Blog or Blogs that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share these instructions with them ( please don't alter these or change the badges)
4) Come and say hello to the originator of the "Blog of the Year 2013" Award via this link
5) You can then also join the "Blog of the year" Award Facebook Page - click the link here
and share your blog posts to an even wider audience
6) And, as a winner of the award - please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award - then proudly display the award on your Blog.........and start collecting stars.....

Yes - that's right - There
are stars to collect!
Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once - this award is different!
When you begin you will receive "1 Star Award" and every time you are given the award by another blog - you can add another
There are a total of 6 stars to collect.
Which means that you can check out your favorite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again to help them to reach the maximum 6 stars! You can either ‘swap’ your badge for the next one each time you are given the award – or even proudly display all six badges if you are lucky enough to be presented with the award six times!
CONGRATULATIONS to the following, here is your first star (maybe your second, could even be your third) but it is the first star from me!
This list in in no particular order but these are bloggers that a very eclectic mix of writers and bloggers
I recommend you visit and read and judge for yourselves whether my choices are the excellent choices I believe that I have made.
So, here we go:-